Friday 10 April 2009

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya - Episodes 17-18

The blossoming of cherry trees is always a time of peaceful introspection and wonder at the beauty of nature... Unless you're Haruhi that is, in which case chances are you'll start pondering the possibilities of burying bodies under said blossoming cherry trees.

So goes these latest two episodes of The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, with a blossom viewing party turning more into a "let Kyon dig a big hole while we enjoy ourselves" party. Luckily for him, Kyon gets some assistance with his hole-digging (albeit unwittingly), but there appears to be more ominous forces at work, between Tsuruya's behaviour and the discovery of some mysterious gem...

There isn't all that much funny stuff on show in these two episodes, I hjave to admit, but who knows maybe it's building up to something glorious next time around as the end of episode eighteen seems to suggest.

No such problems for Nyoron Churuya-san however, which manages to be as funny as ever. This time around it's school sports day, and needless to say having such a diminiutive height can be quite an issue when it comes to most athletic events. Churuya's attempt at the three-legged race was priceless, although I actually felt a little cruel for laughing at Kyon deliberately throwing balls at her head. Nyoron....


  1. "There isn't all that much funny stuff on show in these two episodes,"


    17 wasn't much but 18 was hilarious! Sight gags, super de(re)formed character styles, frustrated Yuki, "I'm just a skydiver passing through!", and of course a super secret conspiracy lurking in the shadows! I mean, c'mon! Pure comedy gold! I had to muffle my outbursts of laughter at work with perturbed coughing sounds! Seriously, how can you not see the random humor stylings of Haruhi-chan?

  2. I'm all about Haruhi-chan's random humour, and I've really enjoyed plenty of it - It's just that these particular episodes didn't really do it for me.
