Friday 3 April 2009

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya - Episodes 15-16

No week is complete without a double bill of The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, which if nothing else allows us to put aside our questions about whether we'll be seeing a second season of the show proper soon or not.

If you're looking from a distraction from such thoughts, then episode fifteen delivers it in spades with possibly the most hilarious couple of minutes of this series so far. Using the balloons procured last episode, Yuki tries her hand at making balloon animals in her own inimitable style, with impressive (yet at the same time terrifying) results. The episode ends with another of those great pieces of comedy whose inevitability doesn't diminish the fact that it's just downright laugh out loud funny.

Next up is some kind of Haruhi-led cooking show - "These aren't just instant noodles, these are The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya cooked for fifty hours noodles..." It has to be said that Haruhi's cooking skills are somewhat outdone by Nagato's skill with a sword, although she does appear to be cheating by programming it into "homing mode" - Something which gives Kyon confidence to give it a try, with slightly more painful results.

Finally, where would we be without another instalment of Nyoron Churuya-san, which could probably be subtitled "Tsuruya is entirely too short". Too short to fish and too short for a group photo - Nyoron.... Again, we can close with a classic line from this episode; "I want to become a shell". Funny stuff, as usual.

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