Friday 17 April 2009

K-ON! - Episode 3

Now that Yui is kitted out with her very own guitar, all that remains is for her to learn how to play the damned thing. At least, it would be all that was left for her to worry about if it wasn't for some pesky exams.

As you can probably imagine, Yui isn't exactly the most studious type, and couple that with the obvious distraction of her new guitar when it comes to trying to revise and you have a recipe for disaster, a recipe whose major ingredient is Yui having to retake the exam. To make things worse, she's barred from club activities until the resit is over, leaving the rest of the light music club hanging loose. Even with this pressure upon her Yui's study habits don't get any better, leaving Mio to step in to save the day (with a little help from Tsugumi's cake and Ritsu's... err... well, Ritsu is no help at all really) thanks to her excellent ability to drill facts into even the most stupid of people (which I believe is reason number 5,462,976 why everybody on the Internet who watches this show seems to be in love with Mio right now).

While music and the band may take a back seat for this instalment, this doesn't make episode three of K-ON! any less delightful, as (and yes, I am going to gush about this show again - sorry) it once again offers up a perfect mix of light-heartedness, fun, and some great splashes of humour - I laughed myself silly at the other girl's assumption about how Yui and her sister would act at home together, and Yui's bizarre dream made me chuckle as well.

In all honesty, "fun" is probably the only word I need to sum up this series so far, as that's exactly what it sets out to offer and it manages it by the shed-load. I can't really deconstruct the show any further than that, it's simply great to watch - No deep, hidden meanings or thought-provoking scenes, just a simple story brilliantly realised right down to the opening and ending songs which I find myself humming relentless to myself during the week.

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