Friday 27 February 2009

Clannad ~After Story~ - Episode 20

I was perhaps being a little premature in my thinking that After Story would have been better had it ended with the reconciliation of Tomoya and Ushio - Sure, this wasn't a powerful and emotional instalment like the aforementioned episode, but it did at least rekindle some of the fun times of the first series (despite its decision to put a massive dampener on the whole thing come the end of it).

There are really two major points of note for much of this episode, the first being the revelation of Kyou as Ushio's kindergarten teacher. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for her, so it was nice to see the now adult Kyou make an appearance, complete with now huge Botan.

Continuing with the blasts from the past, we also get plenty more of Fuuko this episode, as she comes to play with Ushio for a day. I know her original story arc wasn't everybody's cup of tea but I enjoyed it, so I derived a fair amount of amusement from her behaviour in this instalment, not least the suggestion of a game of Blackjack with Ushio - and why not? You may as well start 'em young...

This episode was looking likely to be almost entirely a fun and frivolous one, which is more than fine by me, but I suppose Clannad wouldn't be Clannad without some hurt and upset around the corner, and so it looks as though we're set for another rather depressing episode next time around. Not quite a tissues at the ready story I would assume, but it certainly isn't looking bright and breezy - A bit of a shame, as I really enjoyed the admittedly pointless hijinks of episode twenty.


  1. I hope this anime ends up with Kyou marrying Tomoya, then this show would be a whole lot better! If this show goes with the stupid magical reset button, which makes everything okay, then this show would go down a whole lot! I really am quite peeve at those kinds of show, it just makes all the stupid drama and plot build up useless, the only show where this actually worked was Dragonball Z, where they can frikin revive everything they want. But for Clannad, which have been quite normal, only has some few mysteries, it would be stupid if all of this just goes back to having Nagisa revive. It would amount to be a stupid resolution.

  2. I agree with you entirely on that one - In fact, as soon as Kyou reappeared my first thought was "Marry her Tomoya, she's awesome!". ;)

  3. Kyou does seem awesome, though I'd like to see how Tomoyo is "now" before I get on the Tomoya/Kyou ship. I think Kotomi would be an interesting match also, if only for her disciplinary skills: Ushio, if you don't behave, Mommy's going to play the violin!!

  4. I'm sorry all of you Tomoya/kyou fans, but I really dont think that Tomoya will get over Nagisa for another 20 years, and I think he'll focus on raising Ushio properly more than trying to replace the love of his life.

  5. Reira:
    O.o I agree with chu

  6. @Reira:
    I also agree with you on that, we as kyou/tomoya fans know that in after story, the main focus is tomoya taking care of Ushio than replacing his love, and I'm quite fine with that. Just that in doing so, would be better if there is a wife to help him do so. Though even if he doesn't remarry, it would be better if he just continues taking care of Ushio, and that the series would progress showing Ushio surviving as a miracle. HOWEVER! if they just do a reset on the events, prior to nagisa's death, then it really takes away all the stuff that had happened. It's like in DBZ, when a character dies, nobody cares, cuz we all know they're all gonna get revive lol.
