Thursday 4 December 2008

EVE no Jikan - Episode 3

The first two episodes of EVE no Jikan have done nothing but absolutely delight me, both in terms of the thought-provoking concepts and questions that this series frames together with the episodes themselves having a certain frisson about them, mixing light-hearted moments in with the "big picture" effortlessly.

Episode three introduces us properly to Koji and Rina, a pairing we've seen at the cafe before who seem like one of those couples who simply can't get away from one another. Of course, this state of affairs piques the interest of Rikou and Masaki more than a little, and with some prompting (okay, outright forcing a conversation between them) from Nagi, the pair learn a little about Koji and Rina and their lives.

Although, do they learn anything at all in all honesty? Once again, EVE no Jikan delights in the cafe setting where humans and androids are indistinguishable, and prying into which is which isn't tolerated. Looking at Koji and Rina, which is human and which is the android? Of course there's a big twist to turn things on their head in this environment... In fact, there's several, making for a moment or two of beautiful confusion as you wrap your head around the reality of the situation being showcased. Not only does this work well in the context of an episode of the series, it also works perfectly as proof positive that we all have prejudices and jump to conlcusions no matter what - I defy anyone to reach the end of this episode and find themselves able to say hand on heart "Yeah, I saw all of that coming".

The question of an android's relationship with other androids isn't perhaps as interesting a subject matter as that covered by the first two episodes of EVE no Jikan, but this instalment still carries itself well between the interplay of the various characters and some compelling uses of pans, camera angles and even the layout of the cafe itself to create yet another episode of this series that will leave you thinking for at least a few minutes even after the episode has ended. Oh, and I really want Koji's mobile phone. The future's bright and all that...


  1. That phone beats even Ranka Lee's iSlug in Frontier in its awesomeness! Joking aside, I know not a great deal 'happened' in this episode but the way in which the situation was presented, which includes preventing the viewer second-guessing each new development, was masterful.

    The environ of the cafe is almost a character unto itself too. Damn, I really need to make a proper post about this episode for myself...

  2. I think your observation that this episode is contourning the ethical question of a love relationship between a human and an android is pretty great. The idea that both of them think the other person would be human is quite interesting, but to me, it does feel like it was the easy way out of this complex topic too.

    Anyways, yes, I want such a mobile phone too. And a café like the Time of Eve.
