Tuesday 25 November 2008

Real Drive - Episode 23

The last episode of Real Drive ended in rather depressing fashion, within Kushima's consciousness lost (or rather, stubbornly refusing to leave) the Metal, and Holon sacrificing herself for the sake of Kushima's cyberbrain.

So, episode twenty-three rejoins this situation, with Haru seemingly rather down about the whole thing, and Sota struggling with his new temporary role taking over from Kushima while also finding it hard to so much as talk to Holon, who is back up and running but restored froma three-month old backup (lesson of the day: Make sure you back-up your androids every night).

On a more positive note, as least the General Secretary of the Trustee Committee has had a change of heart, and is now beginning to realise that all is not well on the artificial island - These fears are confirmed when Sota finds a way to unlock an AI buried deep within Kushima's cyberbrain, which then relates the true danger of unleasing the island's weather nanomachines, a danger which predictably involves potentially destroying the whole planet. Equally predictably, the bad guy of the piece will do anything for his day in the sun, even if it risks the entire planet, and so the General Secretary finds herself suspended so that he can carry on with his (now officially evil) plan.

While this episode didn't grip me as much as the last couple of instalments, it did okay for itself when it didn't get too bogged down in recaps and flashbacks to the past, and has set up a good old-fashioned end of the world scenario with a clock running down to keep things interesting in these final few episodes. Will Minamo save the world, or will she never get to "enjoy" a green pepper again? We should find out soon enough...

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