Monday 24 November 2008

Real Drive - Episode 22

Episode twenty-one finally brought us towards the real crux of Real Drive, with Kushima missing presumed kidnapped and something decidedly fishy going on. So, can the crew rescue their boss safely?

On a positive note, Kushima's body turns up very early in the episode. The bad news is, it doesn't seem to include his brain - It appears that one of the downsides to having a prosthetic body is that any old person can come along, open up your head and go running off with your brain (something which some doubtless suspect happened to be years ago). With only a limited time available before Kushima's consciousness would be unable to reconnect to the Metal, it's a race against time to find both his brain and his consciousness.

From here, the episode is a good old fashioned "run around and save the day" yarn, with Sota and Holon going after Kushima's brain and unravelling the political conspiracy surrounding the weather nanomachines that Kushima had opposed the deployment of, while Minamo and Haru dive into the Metal to search out his consciousness. It probably isn't too much of a spoiler to say that both parties succeed in these goals, but at what cost? Indeed, one team member in particular makes a very heavy sacrifice in the name of saving Kushima.

Overall, this episode really worked pretty well, using the race against time format to offer probably one of the most fast-paced instalments we've seen of Real Drive so far, but despite that never losing sight of its more emotional side which has always sat alongside the politics and technology aspects of the series. It also leaves plenty unsaid and untied for the final handful of episodes, which hopefully means that we'll be seeing more decent quality stuff before the series is out, a thought which one again leaves me lamenting that it took Real Drive so long to reach this kind of peak in the first place.

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