Wednesday 12 November 2008

Real Drive - Episode 17

When a series has as much filler as Real Drive seems to, it reaches a point where you wonder whether it is in fact filler at all, and I think episode seventeen is the moment where I've started to figure that all this stuff isn't actually filler, the series just really is broadly that pointless.

In essence, the mainstay of this episode is about Minamo's family coming to visit, bringing together her grandmother and parents to make one happy family on a rare occasion. In reality, this just means lots of talking about and preparing food, and not a lot else, and perhaps I'm just a miserable old git but I fail to see that it has any relevance to what I always thought the point of Real Drive was at all. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if it wasn't for the fact that this was deathly dull (as visits from grandparents so often are in comparison to more exciting pursuits).

The only non-family related chunks of the episode took in some stuff about weather particles and research into said particles, but this seemed to have been barged out of the way to such an extent by all the cookie baking that we really didn't learn a lot, so I'm not sure it's even going to have any bearing on future episodes.

It seems that every time I think Real Drive can't get much duller, it somehow manages to - This really could (and perhaps should) have been a thirteen episode series that stuck to what it does best, exploring the Metal and the modern world that it inhabits. That, at least, is more intriguing that plum-flavoured beef stroganoff.

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