Monday 17 November 2008

Hidamari Sketch x365 - Episode 11

Hidamari Sketch x365, it's been so long since you last graced us with your presence, and how I've missed you so...

It may have been far too long a break without a new instalment from Hidamari apartments, but episode eleven of x365 wasted no time in getting back to the joys that this series brings, beginning with a not particularly suprising admission from Miyako, but giving us a glimpse of a surprisingly rebellious side to Yunocchi as she sneaks up onto the school roof to catch some sun and sleep... Pigeon attacks and alien abduction notwithstanding.

The second half of the episode introduces us to the seven mysteries of Yamabuki High... Well, it's more just one mystery over and over again, but never mind. This latest mystery involves Hiro, a low ceiling, and some very tight pants (trousers to us British types). The rest writes itself really, but there's still a certain amount of amusement to be had from working towards the rather obvious conclusion.

As if the resolution of that mystery wasn't enough, we also finally get to witness the shocking secret of apartment 203 - Okay, so it wasn't shocking at all, and was a bit of an anti-climax to tell the truth, but you can't have everything I suppose.

At the end of the day this was another episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, which means some great moments of slapstick and one-liners from Miyako, some generally amusing moments from everybody else, and just that general sense of happiness and well-being that always washes over me after watching this series - It's always a pleasure, and that enjoyment shows no sign of abating towards the end of x365.

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