Thursday 13 November 2008

Ga-Rei -Zero- - Episode 6

It would be grossly unfair to label Ga-Rei -Zero-'s fifth episode as filler given that it did introduce some important new elements to the show's story, but beyond those disclosures it did give off a certain filler-esque feel to it. Thank goodness then that episode six is perhaps the closest we've been to returning to those high octane opening two episodes.

Indeed, this latest instalment begins with action right from the off, with Kagura and Yomi sent to despatch a particularly tricky supernatural entity. The action if fast, classy and well animated, so you can't help but to enjoy it for the few minutes it lasts.

As the episode progresses, we see a chain of events building while also paying more attention to both Yomi and Kagura's relationship, as well as (more importantly) their individual relationships with their families and how it pertains to their "work" in the supernatural field. Said chain of events builds up to a head as category C spirits start popping up left, right and centre, leaving everyone involved having to work hard, but putting Kagura in particular into an extremely traumatic situation.

Having been drawn into Ga-Rei -Zero- on account of its action-packed beginnings, it probably goes without saying that this episode was a welcome return to that kind of focus which still managed to keep the more human, emotional angle of the show intact and working well at the same time. There's simply something about this series that oozes cool, and even when it hits upon moments of blatant and gratuitous fan service (two schoolgirls in swimsuits trapped in a locker together, bodies writhing against one another... ahem) I can somehow forgive it. With Yomi and Kagura clearly the focus of the story, their own personalities and relationship are a vital part of the series working well, and thankfully they manage to do just that, being in turns vulnerable and decidedly normal girls when they aren't kicking spirit ass. Add all of that to the production values of the series, which seems to be remaining top notch so far, and Ga-Rei -Zero- really hasn't gone far wrong at all with its treatment so far - Long may it continue.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you decided to keep blogging unlike that whiner IMPZ its just starting to get good too,

    Im more interested though in the butterfly dude, he seems like a cool bad guy.
