Sunday 5 October 2008

Yakushiji Ryoko No Kaiki Jikenbo - Episode 13 (Completed)

After bemoaning the unlikely odds of success in the last episode, which pitted Ryoko up against an army single-handedly, this final episode of Yakushiji Ryoko No Kaiki Jikenbo at least evened things up a bit by kindly providing her with a tank. Although she didn't use it to invade Paris, Tokyo Tower was on the menu as she enacted revenge on Ruriko and company to win the day in the manner that you would have expected from the very start.

There may not have been much depth to this closing episode, but what has easily been the best storyline of this series is at least completed with aplomb, with an episode filled with action that ties everything up (aside from Ryoko and Izumida's relationship, of course) neatly enough. Plenty of room is also left for a second season if it is so desired, so it'll be interesting to see whether Ryoko and company get another run out in the not-so distant future.

To be honest, this final set of episodes has saved Yakushiji Ryoko No Kaiki Jikenbo after a rather inauspicious start, with plenty of episodes that were either a bit daft or just plain boring. These almost flippant instalments really do pale in comparison to the more action-oriented, serious and just plain interesting set of episodes that has closed out the series and allowed its major characters to do their thing in a way that grabs the attention rather better. If only they'd learned these lessons earlier, this series might have ended up as a little more than its net result of an average series that did a reasonable job of proving to be entertaining when it put its mind to it.

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