Saturday 11 October 2008

Hidamari Sketch x365 - Episode 10

Two episodes of Hidamari Sketch x365 in two days - How spoiled do I feel? A new episode of this particular slice-of-life series is always more than welcome in my day, and this particular instalment was a most excellent one.

After watching episode nine I mentioned that it wasn't big on laughs but instead proved to be a relaxing and mildly entertaining way to spend half an hour - Well, episode ten redresses the balance by being laugh-out-loud funny from beginning to end, making for a real classic episode of Hidamari Sketch.

The first chunkj of the episode sees Yunocchi and Miyako making clay models of their shoes at school... Something that I did in art classes myself funnily enough, which brought back some memories (not least shoes exploding in a kiln, taking some of their neighbours with them like some kind of shoe bomber). While I remember spending weeks making a model of my own shoes, the class at Yamabuki High seem to manage it in a morning, but once again it allows for some good old-fashioned hilarity from Miyako, while Yunocchi gets in on the act with some good lines too.

After finishing early for the day, Yunocchi returns home to find that her parents have paid her a visit, which also makes for some amusing moments, not least involving poor Sae and a case of mistaken identity (or should I say gender?), while Hidamari Apartments landlady does her best to sound like she's met Yuno even though she hasn't at this point in time (thanks to this series completely random episode chronology).

There isn't really much more I can talk about regarding this episode without starting to give some of the better jokes away, so I'll leave you by saying that this is one of the funnier episodes of Hidamari Sketch I've had the pleasure of watching, and quite possibly the best instalment of x365 so far from a pure comedy angle. This is the kind of series that I find myself wanting to watch over and over again almost all the time - If there were more hours in the day, there's little doubt I'd be filling some of them on repeat showings of this show.

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