Wednesday 6 August 2008

Telepathy Shoujo Ran - Episode 7

I know it isn't exactly proof of my intellect or anything, and the mystery involved was hardly of Jonathan Creek status, but I suppose I should at least take a little pride in identifying the correct cause of this particular plotlines ghosts (well, the ones that weren't real anyway). Okay, okay, on second thoughts maybe not, as it was incredibly obvious to anyone with basic cognitive facilities.

At risk of bringing up those Scooby-Doo similarities yet again, this particular episode was indeed predictable 'to the max', with the cause of the ghost stories plaguing the inn revealed as part of a wider murder plot that was also at least somewhat clear from the last episode. If you're looking for something that's going to get your brain working, Telepathy Shoujo Ran certainly isn't it.

Still, despite being both predictable and formulaic, there's still a reasonable sense of fun that surrounds the series, courtesy of some decent interplay between the main characters. Surprisingly given the show's title and its opening episodes, the telepathy aspect of the series has been given pretty short shrift recently - It's almost as if it gets some token screen time when the writers suddenly remember that the two female leads are telepathic, as the exchanges and the like which occur under this banner could often easily be written in via another (admittedly less supernatural) means without negatively impacting the story at all.

Really, the only word I can use for this series is 'average' - It's so easy to read that you could almost mistake yourself for being telepathic while watching, but in mitigation for that it remains enjoyable enough to watch to prevent it from being anything close to a disaster of a show.

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