Sunday 10 August 2008

Chi's Sweet Home - Episodes 41-52

Oh adorable Chi, how have I managed to go so long without watching watching any of your equally adorable exploits?

I'm not sure how I ended up quite so far behind with watching this series (and with two minutes per episode the order of the day, I can hardly say I haven't had time), but I have indeed fallen behind to the point where I've had to break my watching of this series into two big chunks.

This particular batch of episodes takes in the scary yet ultimately educational appearance of a huge black cat, the dangers of sticky tape, and that oh-so fine balance of giving your cat the affection it needs without over-doing it (something which to this day is some kind of arcane art form for me). All of this takes place with the usual cute and fun tone of this series, with Chi herself being as wonderfully expressive as ever, while leaving you nodding in recognition at the utterly cat-like behaviour often on show here.

Really, it's a little work of genius for putting the life of a kitten into focus in such an entertaining way that rings true for any cat owner, and for that reason alone it's a highly enjoyable series to watch. Sure, some of the jokes seem to be getting repeated now as the series draws on, but with Chi behaving so adorably it's hard to get too het up about it.

With that I must go, as my own cat has decided that he's far more worthy of my attentions than some mere anime 'Blog....

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