Tuesday 15 July 2008

World Destruction - Episode 2

The opening episode of World Destruction actually caught me a little by surprise by being rather better (and certainly more fun to watch) than I expected. Can the second episode live up to these higher expectations though?

To be quite honest no, they can't. While episode one was a pretty good grounding for the series, this next instalment seemed to sink a little too far into 'generic action-adventure' territory, as we saw our trio of boy, girl and bear land up on board a 'pleasure ship', where their activities don't go unnoticed by the World Salvation Committee for long. Cue the kind of gambling and action scenes that it feels like I've seen a million times before in all honesty, with the highlight being a card game that involved only two cards - To be honest, I'd be all for destroying a world that comes up with such useless card games.

This episode also manages to be clichéd by way of including an almost token young girl who needs to be saved and has only taken to thieving people's possessions to save her father from a life of gambling. Again, this kind of thing has been done to death, so give me a break.

All of this might not be so bad if we started to see any kind of bond developing with the major characters, but thus far we've seen nothing of the sort that is worthy of note. Sure, maybe it's a little early to expect anything to form, but the sense of this trio not really caring about what happens to one another is just another facet of World Destruction that makes it unpalatable in this instance.

Who knows, there may be room for improvement, but from this second episode I get the feeling that this series is going to be taking the path of least resistance, and thus by that token the path of a heavily generic plot.

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