Monday 28 July 2008

Allison to Lillia - Episode 14

I've been incredibly mean to Allison to Lillia for almost the entirety of its Allison arc, mainly due to the fact that it's piled no end of unintentional comic hilarity upon me, a goldmine which I've actually rather enjoyed pillaging to make the most out of an otherwise disastrously poor series.

However, after a brief introduction in the last episode, the Lillia arc proper now begins, and incredibly it manages an entire episode without any plot holes that a small continent could fall into. As we've already established, Lillia is the daughter of Allison and Wil (they of the 'get pregnant first, profess love to one another later' movement), the latter of whom is now known as Major Travas (or, as I prefer, Major Travesty) who is hiding his identity from his own daughter because... well, because he's a moron, basically. However, in keeping with this fashion for people hiding their true identities, Lillia's childhood friend Treize (that's Treize, not Trees, thus spoiling all my jokes about wooden acting) is in fact royalty... and what do you know, he's actually the son of Ker and Fiona! Considering Treize's hidden love for Lillia, this whole setup is starting to feel rather incestuous to me, but I digress.

In an attempt to set up some excitement for young Lillia, we sit through a rather dull episode that sends both herself and Treize on a Summer holiday (no Cliff Richard on the soundtrack though, I'm afraid) to Lartika, a town built on a lake and with the hugely innovative nickname of 'Lake Town'. Anyway, blah blah blah, stuff happens which is no doubt of future consequence to the story, then Lillia and Treize decide to take a trip on a sightseeing plane. But, what's this? Will... err... Major Travesty phones up Allison to let her know that an evil plan is afoot (when isn't there?), and that under no circumstances can he let Lillia and Treize board a plane. If nothing else, it's nice to see that Wil's complete lack of timing hasn't been dimmed by the years.

So, there you have it, the start of a thus far decidedly average Lillia arc where very little has happened at all - Indeed, the whole thing is thrown into sharp relief when you consider that Allison and Wil's first adventure involved ending a centuries old war. What will happen next? Has Lillia really inherited her father's romantic ineptitude? Can Ker find an even more stupid combination of facial hair? I'm sure we'll find out all this and more soon enough.


  1. LOL, I loved the start of the new arc, even if the art went shoddy and they replaced my favourite eyecatch...

    You can probably expect more unintentional plot hole induced humour soon enough. And it does kinda look like Lillia inherited her dad's anti-romance genes - or maybe Treize just seems so unlike Wil in that department in contrast.

    And for some reason I find Lillia's LONG antenna rather distracting...

  2. Long antenna! *o*
