Saturday 28 June 2008

Chocolate Underground - Episode 2

Another five minute vignette of Chocolate Underground, and again there isn't really a great deal to show for it. Aside from an important point being made about how the political apathy of the masses can give rise to an extremist faction coming to power, all we really get here is Louise recounting a story about a mine where secret chocolate deals are brokered, and a very brief investigation of said mine that reveals a further clue.

Although I'm admittedly not au fait with the original novel, following on from the question I posed last time around I can't help thinking at this point that Chocolate Underground is being hampered rather than helped by its short episode running time - There's simply no time for anything to actually happen, and thus what does occur is shoe-horned in to the running time in a rather dull fashion that is hardly likely to pique anyone's excitement. Indeed, to some extent it felt like the episode was built up just to pad out the big political point made in the episode, which is something close to my heart but I wonder if it'll even getting picked up on by most when surrounded by such dull fare.


  1. I can't even see where this show is heading.

  2. I agree with you that nothing really happens in these 5 minutes, but on the other hand, 5 minutes is the perfect length for me to quickly watch a show while finishing breakfast. Therefore, the only reason I am still watching this admittedly quite dull show is its length.

  3. blissmo: Me neither, but my wild and uneducated guess would be that it involves chocolate in some way. ;)

    sasa: Yep, the five minute length is its saving grace as far as me probably choosing to watch it through to the bitter end goes (and funnily enough I watched this episode while having breakfast in bed - Oh, what a life I lead!), but it just doesn't seem like a subject matter that can be adequately represented by such small slithers of story.

  4. this show needs parodies, that's the only way to make watching this any more... exciting and entertaining, at the very least.

  5. I agree - the format of 5 minutes episodes is more suited to parodies or gag comedies.
    In the beginning of the first episode I thought it was going that way, but then it started going nowhere...
