Monday 21 April 2008

Kurenai - Episode 3

Kurenai surprised me for much of its opening two episodes - Given its base storyline featuring its protagonist as a young high school student working in 'conflict resolution', I was expecting a more action-oriented experience overall. I was wrong, but in the best possible way, and the third of episode of this series has confirmed that most absolutely.

This third instalment of Kurenai is a fantastic visualisation of a number of the inter-relationships between characters in the show, and more specifically their interaction with Shintaro himself. Of course, his relationship with the object of his protection, seven year-old Murasaki gets plenty of screen-time, but we also see some brilliant realised (and very 'teenage') conversations between himself and Ginko as well as with Yuuno - Two girls who clearly have feelings for him, but none of which he so much as notices, let alone understands. The same can be said of his conversations with Murasaki, where for all his supposed sensitivity he lets each and every important point float over his head.

Much as I loved Spice and Wolf for its dialogue and character interaction, so I find that same kind of love beginning to blossom for Kurenai. While the focus of those interactions are very, very different, the human element to them all in turns fascinating, hilarious and touching, while always feeling very much grounded in reality. Murasaki's tour of Shintaro's school is not far short of being hilarious, while his later conversations with her are really quite sweet in a funny sort of way.

While the animation seemed to take a downward turn in episode three, the realisation of characters has hit near-perfection here - Whether they can keep this up (and keep it interesting) is another matter, but as of right now Kurenai is shaping up well to be a rather fabulous series.

1 comment:

  1. I was expecting it to be some sort of hard-boiled thriller too, but the character interactions turned out to be much more rewarding to watch; I think the writers were correct in that they chose to place emphasis on dialogue rather than action (it also shows that what I look for in a new series seems to be changing in my old age!).

    The way in which it went from farcical sitcom to social commentary was especially noteworthy - it seems to be using the viewpoint of a seven-year-old kid to make some profound observations of today's society. Great stuff.
